St Ninian's is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion throughout the world.
We do not collect any data from visitors to this website. Please see our privacy policy or contact the Vestry Secretary
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Website contents are © St Ninian's Episcopal Church, Glasgow, which is a charity registered under no. SC010966.
St Ninian’s is an inclusive and welcoming church.
We aim to bring together the young and the old in worship; people new to church
and those who have worshipped for a long time; cradle Glaswegians and newly-
arrived visitors from overseas. Together we want to explore and understand
a little of God’s timelessness. Together we want to re-shape our part of Glasgow.
Join us and let’s explore together!
Christmas services:
Carol service, Friday 20 December, 7.30pm.
Christingle, Sunday 22 December, 4pm.
Midnight Communion, Tuesday 24 December, 11pm.
Christmas Day Communion, Wednesday 25 December, 10am.
We hold a 10:15 am Eucharist (with hymns) every Sunday
and a 10:00 am said Eucharist every Thursday. You are most welcome to join us!
We hope you will find enough within these pages to encourage you to visit and join
us in worship. Forthcoming events will be posted on our Diary page and reports of
previous ones will appear in the News page and on our Facebook page.
Our Rector is the Rev. Verity Brown, and you can find the church building
at 1 Albert Drive, on the corner of Pollokshaws Road.
Our website is currently being updated. Please bear with us,
and please email with any queries.